87 pct of Turkish people use internet in 2023

87 pct of Turkish people use internet in 2023

87 pct of Turkish people use internet in 2023

Around 87.1 percent of the Turkish population in the 16-74 age group have benefitted from the internet in 2023, using it for different purposes such as online shopping, ordering food and streaming, reveals a survey by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK).

Haberin Devamı

According to the TÜİK’s survey released on Aug. 29, 75.5 percent of individuals who shopped online in the first three months of this year mainly bought clothes, shoes and accessories.

This was followed by deliveries from restaurants and fast food chains, with 47.6 percent.

Cosmetics, beauty and wellness products ranked third on the list of purchased items, with 32.2 percent, while buying films or series from several streaming service platforms ranked fourth, with 30.7 percent.

The survey also revealed that the rate of individuals using the official websites and applications of public services over the internet was 73.9 percent in the last 12 months.

Among the purposes of using the e-Devlet website - Türkiye's e-government gateway - accessing personal information stored about oneself by public authorities or public services took the first place with 69.6 percent.

The rate of Turkish people indulging in online learning activities for educational, professional, or private purposes in the last three months of 2023 was 18.7 percent, increasing by 2.8 points compared to the previous year.

The most used social media and messaging application by Turkish people was WhatsApp, with 84.9 percent. YouTube and Instagram followed it with 69 percent and 61.4 percent, respectively.
