Domestic tourism spending rises 100 percent in 2023

Domestic tourism spending rises 100 percent in 2023

Domestic tourism spending rises 100 percent in 2023

Expenditures of domestic travelers amounted to 229.8 billion Turkish Liras last year, rising 101 percent from 2022, data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) have shown.

Haberin Devamı

Individual expenditures increased by 102 percent to more than 209 billion liras, while package tour expenditures were up 92 percent to 20.7 billion liras, the statistics authority said on April 24.

Food and drink accounted for 32 percent of all expenditures, followed by transportation at 26.3 percent. Accommodation-related expenditures constituted the third largest item, with a 17 percent share in total.

The average expenditure per trip was 3,739 liras, rising from 2,185 liras in 2022.

People made a total of 61.5 million trips last year, up 17.5 percent compared with 2022.

The number of overnight stays increased by 10.9 percent to 473 million, while the average overnight stay was 7.7 days.

The primary purpose of trips the local travelers made in 2023 was visiting relatives, accounting for a 58.3 percent share.

Leisure and holiday-related travel came second at 33.1 percent, while health-related travels’ share was 5.2 percent.

Some 67.7 percent of travelers stayed at the homes of their relatives or friends, showed TÜİK data. Only 8.1 percent stayed at hotels and 15.4 percent at their own homes.

domestic tourism, spending,