Jobless rate stood at 10.2 in November last year

Jobless rate stood at 10.2 in November last year

Jobless rate stood at 10.2 in November last year

Türkiye’s unemployment rate remained unchanged from October to stand at 10.2 percent in November 2022, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) said on Dec. 12

Haberin Devamı

The number of unemployed increased by 23,000 on a monthly basis to 3.58 million people as of October, according to the official data.

The unemployment rate for men rose from 8.7 percent to 8.8 percent for men, while it declined for women from 13.1 percent to 12.9 percent.

The labor force participation rate improved from 53.6 percent from October to 54.1 percent in November, with the number of people in the country’s labor force standing at 35.2 million.

The labor force participation rates were 72.1 percent for men and 36.4 percent for women, according to the latest data.

The employment rate was 48.6 percent in November, rising slightly from 48.2 percent in October.

The unemployment rate among the country’s youth - aged between 15 and 24 – declined from 20.4 percent to 17.8 percent.

The jobless rates among the country’s male and female youth were 14.4 percent and 23.9 percent, respectively.

On a seasonally and calendar-adjusted basis, the average actual weekly working time increased by 0.1 hours from October to 44.4 hours in November, TÜİK also said.

The statistics institute also calculated the labor underutilization rate at 20.8 percent, rising from 20.3 percent.

The rate of a composite measure of labor underutilization consists of time-related underemployment, potential labor force and unemployment.
