Unemployment rate at 10.1 pct in September

Türkiye’s unemployment rate inched up from 9.8 percent in August to 10.1 percent in September, data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) have shown.
The number of jobless people increased by 120,000 from August to 3.48 million in September.
The unemployment rate among the female and male populations was 12.8 percent and 8.8 percent, respectively.
Türkiye’s labor force increased to 34.35 million people in September, up from 34.3 million in the previous month, with the number of employed people remaining almost unchanged at 30.9 million.
The labor force participation rate was calculated at 52.9 percent in September, with no change from August.
“The youth unemployment rate among those aged between 15 and 24 was 19.6 percent, with a 1.2 percentage point increase compared to the previous month,” TÜİK said.
Minimum wage
Meanwhile, as the time for a decision for setting a minimum wage for 2023 is approaching, the Labor and Social Security Ministry is conducting a survey among companies to learn about their opinion.
The study covers small and medium-sized companies as well as large firms. The purpose of the survey is to collect the views of companies and workers before the Minimum Wage Commission meets next month.
The commission is expected to unveil the results of the survey when it meets to decide on the minimum wage, which will take effect in 2023.
The ministry had commissioned a similar study, carried out by academics, in 2022.
The minimum wage in Türkiye was increased by 30 percent in a midyear adjustment to a net of 5,500 Turkish Liras in July. The increase came on top of the 50 percent hike in January, which brought the minimum wage to a net of 4,250 liras.
“The Minimum Wage Commission will convene in December. It is not up to me to decide about the minimum wage. All issues will be discussed there,” Labor and Social Security Minister Vedat Bilgin said in response to a question about whether the government will offer support to companies for minimum wage.